Smart Pricing And Adsense Earning

This is the new trick that we got from adsense publisher Master, Cosa Aranda about smart prcing and Adsense Revenue. Smart pricing is a price that is given to each click of adsense based on the country. There are some countries included as premium and the others are not included Indonesia. When adsense ads clicked by visitor from countries that are not listed into premium earning that is gotten is very little and this system is applied globally.

Applied globally means that when you have website that included into smart pricing list all of your site also will be included in. It is also happen to my mobile phone. So how we trick it?

Firstly we have to download IP to Nation plugin for wordpress. Install and activate it. Then the next file that you need is iptonation.sql which you have to import to your site database. Enter your cpanle site then go to phpmyadmin site. from there you can import iptonation.sql.

The last step is by included litle script which describe :

you adsense ads will appear when visitor come from UK or US, which both of them are premium countries. you can use this script:

if(wp_ozh_getCountryCode()==’uk’ || wp_ozh_getCountryCode()==’us’){

adsense script


to download ip to nation plugin we can visit meanwhile to get iptonation.sql we can get it from planetozh

Check out that your adsense ads will not appear when visitors are coming from inpremium countries. The effect is your impression will decrease but the CTR will increase.

Good luck…

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